Monday, November 08, 2010

March Meeting Minutes

March 8, 2010 Chapter 704 Meeting Minutes:

Meeting was called to order on March 8 at 7: PM by President Dave Duperron, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Twenty Two members present and guests were Gerald Hoxie and Walt Clausen.

Secretary’s Report given by John Gill and approved by members.

Treasurer’s report was given by Jay Dean. Balance is $908.12. (Approved)

We passed a sign up sheet around for people to volunteer for flying Young Eagles.

Walt discussed an upcoming trip to the Dayton USAF Museum.

The bus trip departs late afternoon on Sept. 24.

We will visit the Museum on the 25th and depart at 5: pm

The cost is around $100.00 per person with double occupancy at the hotel.

Dick Roberts gave an update on future improvements to the Sparta Airport. They will do the taxi way design this year and construction next year.

Cathy Quakenbush is requesting a high school sponsored “airplane wash” to help support their Mission Trip.

Dan Bauman brought his vertical stabilizer from his RV 9A project. He discussed the paint and finish process he used.

Our speaker was Tom Kozura. He spoke on accident investigation by the FAA.

Respectfully submitted by John Gill

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