Thursday, May 04, 2006

A Message From Our Chapter President, John Gill (May '06)

I hear a lot of people saying, Thank God it’s Friday and I keep wondering how Friday got here so quickly.

Spring is here and some good flying weather comes with it,. Get out and enjoy, but plan ahead for your flying trips because spring also brings rain, fog, and possible thunder storms.
I made a couple of trips lately that have involved clear weather on part of the flight and storms along the way, so be prepared to divert or delay for a while. The plan is to be safe and have a good trip.

At this coming meeting, let’s discuss what the members would like in the way of programs for the meetings and what activities you are interested in.

Plan on being there Monday night.

Your president,

Photos of John Gill’s RV-7 Project

Aircraft on the Lines at Oshkosh

Submitted by John D. Smith

Ford Flivver


French Military Trainer

Aussie or New Zealand Sprayer and Duster

April (2006) Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes April 10, 2006

The meeting was called to order by John Gill at 7:05 pm. Last month minutes were accepted as presented. No treasurer’s report was given because the treasurer forgot the checkbook. Tom Kozura gave a short presentation on his duties concerning his new position with the FAA. Ron Fritz demonstrated how to time the magnetos on an engine. Also John Smith told a little about his trip to Europe to visit his son in the military. He visited several small airports there and scouted out the GA activity. Ken Barnum discussed what he had seen at Sun and Fun in Florida. After a short break for pizza and cookies, John Gill presented a video on first flights in a homebuilt.

-Kathy Hakeem,
Secretary, Treasurer, & Young Eagles

Treasurer’s report for May

1791.66 in Checking account with $20.00 on hand.

The treasurer wishes to remind all those who haven’t paid dues to do so, and thanks those who have.

-Kathy Hakeem,
Secretary, Treasurer, & Young Eagles