Saturday, November 04, 2006

Surprise Retirement Party for Vic Johnston

•At 2:00pm on Sunday November 5, 2006

•There will be a surprise party for Vic Johnston in John Gill’s hanger.

•It will be a potluck so please bring a dish to pass.

•You will need to bring your own service (plates etc.)

•Drinks will be provided.

•Please invite those you think may want to come celebrate with us.

•Remember, it is a surprise so don't say anything to Vic if you see him

A Message From Our Chapter President, John Gill (November '06)

Attention all chapter members:

There is a pot luck gathering scheduled for Sunday Nov. 5th at 2:00pm in the Gill Aviation hanger.
It will be a great time and we are hoping for a large turn out.

Our next meeting is at 7 PM on Monday the 13th of November. It's election time!!!!

Our chapter is growing and we look forward to another fun and informative year with a group of new officers.

If you have people you would like to nominate, please encourage them to accept a nomination.

Your Pres.
John Gill

Friday, November 03, 2006

8D4 Runway Pics

October (2006) Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes October 9, 2006

The meeting was called to order by President Gill. Visitors were David Gibson and Rob Quick. Mr. Quick of Greenville stated that he was building a GN1 and that he had brought part of his wing rib to show.

There were no minutes to approve due to the lack of an actual meeting when we met last month (a picnic was organized instead of the meeting). The Treasury report was unavailable.

New business included a thanks to Dan Bauman for his demonstration of kneeling, as one of our members had used the technique that Dan had shown the group in a previous meeting.

Bill stated that he was working on his M4-Maul which is getting closer to being completed.

It was asked that if any members would like to be an officer in 2007, to mention it to President Gill by next month.

The Sparta Area Pilot's Association (SAPA) President, Paul Kovalak, suggested that the SAPA and EAA704 join together to arrange a Potluck Dinner for November.

It was noted that the runway project was closer to completion and that it was possible that it may be available for daytime usage near the end of October (but not confirmed).

Rob Quick talked about the wing rib that he brought from his GN-1. He spoke of how he had the main ribs completed and was starting on the ribs near the ailerons.

The meeting was adjourned and the members had a coffee break.

After the break, Dan Bauman presented a slide show and gave commentary about the PA-12 that he had been restoring.

Respectfully Submitted,

P.J. Bevelacqua, Newsletter & Website
(Substitute Secretary)