Friday, December 07, 2007

TO: ALL EAA CHAPTER MEMBERS (from Paul H. Poberezny)

When I read through the history of your EAA, living every day for half a century plus, I truly know how time flies. I want to share with you some of the thoughts of our members as they appeared in our Sport Aviation magazine back in 1963. The organization of dreamers, homebuilders and fellow aviation supporters building/designing their aircraft under the CAA/FAA 51% rule we worked so diligently for and earned is something to be treasured. One can build his or her airplane for educational and recreational purposes and friends can work with you for their own educational value. Really, we can build one half of it – the other half, such as engines, propellers, wheels, brakes, instruments, radios, items not normally within the capabilities of those who work with hand and mind can be purchased. Now we are faced with a situation of the FAA amateur building program being used for commercial purposes – from building complete aircraft or well over the half mark … not within the intent of the program given to us by those CAA/FAA folks who believed in us. Let’s hope we don’t lose this privilege.


Experimental Aircraft Association
Paul H. Poberezny
Founder and Chairman of the Board

Link to the Article: "Experimental Or Not" by [the late] Joe Kirk, EAA 2023

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