Friday, December 07, 2007

November (2007) Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the regular meeting of November 12, 2007. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by President Vic Johnston. No attendance was taken.

In the absence of the Secretary/Treasurer no minutes or treasurer’s report was given.

Old Business:

Pres. Johnston reported that Steve Zelle, who has published a book on small, unlicensed airports, is still looking for additional airports. The chapter has purchased a book and it is on file at the airport lounge.

Vic reported that Chet Uncapher, of Chapter 211, is checking into the possibility of having the 2008 Michigan Tour make one of its stops at the Sparta Airport. More on this later.

Discussion was held on the 2008 Chapter calendar and it was decided not to pursue the calendar for this year.

The television in the airport lounge has died and it is hoped someone in the group will have an old one to donate.

There is still no volunteers to be the chapter representative for Boy Scout Troop 704.

New Business:

John Gill announced the 2007 joint chapter Christmas party will be held in his hangar at Sparta Airport on Saturday, December 15. His hangar will be open at 6:00 PM with the potluck dinner starting at 7:00 PM. Everyone planning to attend was asked to bring a dish to pass. Chapter 211 will be providing entertainment this year and there will be no gift exchange.

President Johnston announced that former Sec/Treas. Kathy Hakeem is experiencing health problems and has no health insurance to help with the bills. Motion by John Gill and 2nd by Ed DeBruyn to write a check for $250.00 out of the treasury to give to Kathy. Motion passed. An additional collection was taken from those present and netted $350.00.

Paul Zimmer asked if the chapter would be interested in having a well known avionics expert come to Sparta to talk to a gathering of all pilots/plane owners. His name is Bob Nuchols. If there is enough interest, he will pursue the subject.

Jim Jastifer gave a report on a group of local powered parachute owners getting together to get their planes licensed in the experimental category. They had excellent treatment from the FAA agent who came to do the certification.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM by president Johnston.

Respectfully submitted
-Ron Fritz

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