Friday, July 11, 2008

Presidents Message!

July 4, 2008 is in the record books.

I hope everyone had an enjoyable and safe holiday.

Our country has given us the opportunity to enjoy our passion, whether hobby or vacation, to move ourselves through the air using various types of flying machines. There are some people in Congress who think we have way too much fun and don't pay enough in taxes to justify our use of the airspace. I am writing in references to a news article in Sport Aviation about a new registration program the FAA is trying to push through. Some of the news blurbs are a bit boring but it pays to at least scan through them.

Dr. Jay Dean has been filling the office of secretary and treasurer since Kathy resigned about three years ago. I would like for someone to volunteer to take over the office of secretary. The more people we have serving the less work any one person has to do. You must be a national member of EAA.

A couple of meeting ago I asked for someone to be the chapter historian. It's hard for one person to be every place at once. With a lot of cell phones having cameras in them, I'm asking you to take pictures at our events and submit a copy, with a caption, to me and I will keep the photo albums, and bring them to the meetings.

The program this month will be about the Sopwith Camel by Tom Kozura.

John D. Smith


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