Friday, July 11, 2008

Meeting Minutes

Eaa Chapter 704 met for its regular monthly meeting on 6/9/08 at the Sparta Paul C. Miller Airport Pilot’s lounge with 18 members and guests present.

President John Smith called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and asked that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as printed in the newsletter. (Approved) The treasurer reported $1373.70 in the checkbook with all bills paid.

President Smith held a discussion on the current by-laws and asked for a committee to review these and look for re-writing them to consider extending the term limits of elected officers to two years. John Smith, Dave Duperron, and Jay Dean agreed to serve in this capacity.
Paul Kovalak agreed to make the arrangements for a tour of the Grand Rapids Control Tower and suggested that we might also want to visit the weather station.

The owners and operators of Grand Rapids Technologies presented a program on their newest and most sophisticated electronic units. These Instruments are absolutely phenomenal in what they contain and what they will do from such a small little “box”. One has to be impressed with the expertise that conceives and builds these items.

Meeting adjourned 9:00 pm
Jay T Dean
Sec/Treas EAA Chapter 704

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