Tuesday, January 04, 2005

A Message From Our Chapter President, Ron Fritz

I hope this first Chapter 704 newsletter finds you all comfortably through the holiday season and looking forward to the rest of 2005. As your new chapter president I look forward to this coming year and its many challenges.

First, I want to thank the 2004 officers for their efforts to keep the chapter going for another year. The new officers have pledged to take up where the old left off and try to manage the chapter for another successful year. The front page of the newsletter lists the new officers, with one change. Our elected treasurer, Sue Folkringa, has taken a position in Florida and will be leaving Michigan in January. We are sorry to see her leave but wish her the best in her new position in Florida. Jay Dean will take over the job of treasurer in her place.

Your officers met at the Sparta Airport lounge for a pre-meeting meeting on Sunday, January 2nd to set down some ideas for the coming year and try to come up with ideas for chapter activities. We will be doing the same for each upcoming meeting. We will be holding meetings each month, a change from previous years when we cancelled meetings for January and February.

At the before mentioned pre-meeting meeting we did make tentative plans for a chapter banquet for February. At the time of this writing we can’t set down many details as we haven’t reserved a restaurant and meal yet. That will be done by the time of the upcoming January meeting and I hope you can all come to give us some idea what to expect for attendance. The tentative date has been set as Friday, February 18th and our restaurant of first choice is The Swan Inn on Alpine. This will give us two meetings and two newsletters to finalize all details. Watch for this one.

Our newsletter editor, P. J. Bevelacqua, has some wonderful plans for the future newsletters, which he will outline in his newsletter and at the meetings. One will be an on-line newsletter. This will be good.

So much for now, see you at the next meeting.

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