Thursday, December 07, 2006

A Letter From Vic Johnston

Dear members of the EAA and SPA, and other friends,

I have delayed in writing this message because I simply don't know where to begin to thank all of you for your touching send off with all the kind words that were said. I know it took lot of people a lot of effort to produce such method to "celebrate my leaving"..., as Kathy would say. I am rich with all the good friends I have gotten to know over the past twelve years, and I sincerely hope we can all stay in contact often enough to maintain the bonds I feel toward you all.

Thinking back to the early first five or six years I recall all of you "ole timers" who remember what the airport was back then, and the rallying support you tendered to help bring it up to the standard it now displays. How can one mention "ole timer" without a vision of faces such as Doc Dean, Wendell Beuschel, John Spangenberg, Wayne Fredline, and of course, Ron....what's his know, the guy with Lou Gerhing's disease...? Many of you have pitched in since then, in an abundance of ways, from patching up hangars, to donating money or furniture/appliances to promote the airport. In essence, you really made me look good!

If I went on and on to mention all the blessings and deeds for which I am grateful, I am sure it would end up taxing our treasury in postage. However, I can most certainly say that the memory of those faces, deeds, kind words, and wonderful video will not fade.

Googles of Thanx,


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