Wednesday, December 07, 2005

A Message From Our Chapter President, Ron Fritz (Dec '05)

Well, looks like this is my last column for the year and my term of president of Chapter 704. It has been a good year and the chapter is in fairly good shape with a healthy treasury. I want to thank all of you for supporting me this past year and I hope you have enjoyed our activities and the programs that we have had over the past eleven months.

We had a very interesting program last month when Ken Fryling gave a very enjoyable account of the restoration of a Ford Trimotor when he was working at Kal Aero in Kalamazoo. The restoration of that Ford set the stage for the restoration of several Trimotors with others still to follow. Last month also saw elections that will see John Gill as your new president. Assisting John will be Paul Spetosky as VP and Kathy Hakeem as your new Sec-Treas. All are very capable people and the chapter should see some growth in 2006. Dan Bauman will remain the chapter’s technical counselor and Kathy will remain Young Eagles coordinator. We’re glad P.J. Bevelacqua will remain our newsletter editor as he has done a magnificent job on the newsletter and chapter website.

This month's program will be Kel DeVries who will be speaking on the Sport Pilot/LSA regulations. Kel did a presentation for Chapter 145 recently and I'm told it was very informative. Kel is an old friend and graciously agreed to come up to see us. I've also asked Hugh Eisen to come along. Most of you know that Hugh is the FAA designated flight examiner for the area.

Don’t forget the Christmas potluck in John Gills hangar on Saturday, December 10. We will be joining Grand Haven Chapter 211 this year and it should be a fun evening. It’s always good when two groups can join to share a nice evening of camaraderie.
So much for now. See you at the meeting.

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