Wednesday, May 04, 2005

A Message From Our Chapter President, Ron Fritz (May '05)

Now that spring is finally here many of us can dust off the flying machine and go about defying the laws of gravity. I might even dig around in my hangar to see if the Mooney is still there.

I spent the past Friday (April 29th) at Oshkosh and the Vintage Airplane Association Board of Directors meeting. These meetings are always a lot of fun as I get to rekindle friendships with many of my old friends and, also, learn of the happenings around VAA and EAA. I can assure you there is a lot going on behind the scenes that most members don't know about. In short, they are really looking out for all of you. You can all be thankful for that.

With the warmer weather and daylight saving time, we will be able to spend some of our meeting nights outside. It might be a good time to invite EAA guests to the meetings, to show off their flying machines. If any of you know of someone who has an interesting antique, classic or experimental airplane, invite them to join us. It is always an incentive to see what someone else has done which generally gives us the confidence to go forward with our project(s).

See you all at the May meeting...

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