Monday, November 08, 2010

Presidents Message

President’s Message

Greetings fellow EAAers. Hey there are signs of spring out there. Man am I ready. I’m even thinking about priming, some RV-10 parts this weekend that I’ve been preparing all winter. Then --- I can start putting pieces together. Will that be fun.

I’d like to thank Paul Zimmer for the great program on “computer weather procurement”. Boy I needed that. Doing most anything on the PC is intimidating for me. I know I’ll never be able to tool around in cyber space as he does but I do feel like I can now get some weather when I need it. Paul also turned me on to “VANS AIRFORCE” which seems to be the GO TO place if you’re building an RV. Thanks Paul.

Tom Kozura will be putting on the program for our next meeting which is this coming Monday. It will be about “investigating aircraft accidents”. If I know Tom It will be very interesting. Hope to see you there.

Coming up, we are still planning a trip to the KAL-AIR Museum and a trip to the WACO factory in Battle Creek. These trips will probably be in the summer or fall, what ever we can work out. In the mean time we can hopefully get out to some of our builders homes and see how their projects are coming. This could be “in addition” to our regular meetings. Any volunteers?

Most importantly please mark your calendars for the third Saturday of August the 21ST, for our Young Eagles Program. In case of rain, or other inclement weather, keep the following Saturday, the 28TH open as well.

I think most everyone is aware of the declining numbers in the aviation community and understand the effects it will have on our freedom to fly in the future. Introducing kids to an exciting, enjoyable first flight can, in the long term, have a positive impact on pilot numbers by instilling in these kids a life long interest in aviation. Good reason that we all make a special effort to make this event in August a Hugh success.

As we have on occasion in the past we are going to combine the “Young Eagles” program with the “Big Brothers - Big Sisters” program called “Pork on the hoof”. The Big Brothers – Big Sisters program is a very worthwhile program in and of itself and deserving of our support. However because it draws large numbers of people it has proved to be a good partner in Chapter 704’s Young Eagles program.

We will have more on this at Mondays Meeting. Hope to see you there. Dave

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