I personally appreciated getting re-acquainted with some of our “Olde Eagles” last month. We all appreciated Kevin’s account, his and Dennis Wass’s sojourn to Sun & Fun. And we should all give a special thanks to the “2-Pauls” for offering their beloved Cardinal as a sacrificial lamb on the FAA altar. As it turned out, The FAA-sent angel in human form (that being Tom Kozura) was very forgiving and no aviation sins were judged. Thank all three men for making it a great presentation.
Also, John Gill helped out topping off the meeting with a static display of his RV with some of his latest innovations with the baffling and plumbing of the engine.
We will see you June 11, if I am back from camping at Ludington S.P., as will start organizing for the Dawn Patrol Breakfast in July. Vic
-Vic Johnston

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