We have a few things brewing in the agenda cauldron this month. Firstly, we would like to focus on our "Olde Eagles" by allowing them to view the new airport from above. I will be available at 6:00 if any one who has not had the opportunity would like to sail around the patch. If there are any other volunteer pilots willing to offer their services, have your plane on the ramp and ready to go at 6:00pm also. This may delay the start of the regular meeting, but I am sure you wont run out of conversational topics.
After our coffee break, we may amble down to John Gill's hangout and view his progress on his "7". Tom Kozura and John has offered to inform all you builders what to expect in the way of inspections and other milestones in the building process.
Also, if we have time, Tom will perform a “mock” ramp check, with no intimidation. Do we have any volunteers to lay their plane, credentials, and reputation on the line? Please give me a call if you can give "Olde Eagle" rides or art willing to be ramp checked. See you about 6pm on the 14th?
-Vic Johnston
Sorry, the April meeting minutes were not available at time of printing
1 comment:
Хорошую заработную плату. Труд - дело чести; будь в труде на первом месте. Великая радость - работа. Нажитое трудом потеряется бездельем. Работа обновляет и кожу и кровь души. Творить - это прежде всего не бездельничать. Работа - это главное в жизни. От всех неприятностей, от всех бед можно найти только одно избавление - в работе. Когда мы перестаем делать - мы перестаем жить.
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