Attention all chapter members:
Happy New Year, fellow aeroplane drivers, fixers, builders, and enthusiastic "wannabes" (like me).
"Out with the old and in with the new" is usually regarded as an optimistic cliche .....but in this case, out with our old (in more ways thanone) chapter president, John Gill, we suffer a great setback. Didn't he do a marvelous job? And of course, if we did adhere to that ol' saying, we would lose most of our membership! I think we all have to agree that the "ol' timers" are the backbone of our local organization. So at the next meeting, seek out an ol' codger and shake his hand and thank him for his contributions.
However, there are some NEW's we can look forward to and appreciate this year. Notice the new runway, PAPI, wind cone, REILs (both ends), and L-M-HIRLs?....we have a new manager that Kathy and the rest of us can abuse.....Dick has done a great job at cleaning up my mess and has given a new, more open look to the lounge. Also we can appreciate the enlistment of a few new 704 members this past year. I think diversity in membership freshens discussions and adds new ideas. So I encourage/challenge each member to recruit ONE person this year, whether friend, relative, wife, or someone you dragged off the street. How about a few more lady members?
Now, to retain our membership, it helps to have fine programs as we have had in the past, such as the last one presented by Larry "Buford" Bauer. So again, we need help from the membership in this regard, as I do not have as large of resource of contacts as John, so I would appreciate any suggestions you have, or projects to share.
Looking forward to a great 2007, Vic Johnston
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