As most of you are aware, there are some concerns about the situation at the Sparta airport and many of our members are joining the Sparta pilots association. It’s nice to see so many aircraft owners and pilots willing to step forward and indicate their concern for the future of the airport. At this time, the chapter, as a specific entity, will not be a part in any actions that might affect airport rules or regulations unless they specifically involve our presence or activities at the airport. That isn’t our function as an organization. We do, however, hope we can always be a positive presence on the field and can affect changes to the benefit of all aviation minded people. Since so many of our members are coming forward to join the new association, we will include ongoing status reports during our business meetings.
I also wish to thank those members who came forward to reimburse the chapter for the cost of their meal at the chapter banquet in February, after they had not been able to attend.
I’ve noticed an increased enthusiasm on the part of many of our members. Several of our members are demonstrating a desire to start new projects or dust off projects that haven’t been worked on for a while. That is very heartening and I hope we can encourage others to join in on the fun. I think, as a chapter, we can expand this enthusiasm to include others who might have been fearful of starting a project in the past. I’d like to reserve a space in the monthly newsletters to report the activities of our members.
See you all at the April meeting...
Ron, This is a voice from out of the past - Harvey Alley. Harvey who? Congrads on your presidency.
I would like to send you a CD and have you evaluate it for me. Do you recall my three screen program "Concerto for Flute and Flying Machine?" I even showed it at Oshkosh.
Since I last saw you, I have gone digital! Hasn't everyone? I have put 900 images into a Power Point program - in two parts. Its designed as a moving screen saver.
If you would like, I will mail it to you. I would need your address and phone number - since the other Ron Fritz in the phone book has never heard of you.
I would be willing to put together some digital programs if I knew I would have an audience - that would sit through the whole thing! To show, I would need a laptop and vido projector.
Give me a buzz, Harvey
I just read the comments from Prez Ron Fritz. Frankly I think that the operations at the "home" airport should be a concern to the EAA chapter. With the statement,"At this time, the chapter, as a specific entity, will not be a part in any actions that might affect airport rules or regulations unless they specifically involve our presence or activities at the airport." I would like to know who the heck voted on this. As a group we are concerned about the airport. When we need to assemble our projects at an airport, without our voice is this going to go away? I'm sorry but Prez Ron W Fritz is incorrect. The purpose of EAA is to support the home builder. Operations at a home airport is part of the support that the EAA should give is the preservation of the rights that home builders currently enjoy at 8D4. Prez Ron seem more concerned with the money for chicken and bean salad than the actual flying of aircraft from Sparta.
Just my humble opinion.
Blue Skies
The Flamer above needs to leave a "REAL" name...
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