Tuesday, February 08, 2005

January Meeting Minutes

The regular meeting of EAA Chapter 704 was held Monday, January 10 at Sparta Paul C Miller Airport and was called to order by President Ron Fritz at 7:00 p.m.

President Fritz noted that there were over 30 in attendance and welcomed several quests.
The minutes of the last meeting were in the Newsletter and were approved as recorded.

The Treasurer reported a bank balance of$1366.37 with $50.00 petty cash on hand.. All bills have been paid to date.

Fritz announced that the 2005 dues are now due and the new calendars are for sale at $10.00 each or 3 for $27.00.

Vic Johnston, Airport manager, reported that some grant money had been received for ongoing airport improvement. The rotating beacon has been repaired

Kathy Hakeem, Chapter Vice President and Young Eagles coordinator announced that she needed pilots to provide two Young Eagle flights in the next couple of weeks. Brita Moe and Paul Kovelak agreed to do this.

President Fritz announced the date of the Chapter banquet to be February 18, 7:00 p.m. at the Swan Inn. He stated that there would be program presented by Marilyn Doane who will speak of and show slides of some of their most interesting travels.

The cost of the dinner was discussed and it was finally moved by Vic Matthews and seconded by Paul Spetosky that we charge $12.00 per person with the chapter paying anything over that amount. This was to cover the dinner only and does not include any other expenses incurred by individuals. The motion passed.

There was a general discussion as various attendees described their projects and the progress being made.

President Fritz introduced Brita Moe as the program for the evening. Brita and her husband Chris have taken over the flight school formerly known as Koz Aero since Tom Kozura has been recalled into active flight duty with the airlines. They have taken on the name of Sparta Slight School and are offering complete flight training services as before.

Brita described a new program called the “Buddy Pilot” whereby a spouse or friend could learn the basics of aviation and flying skills enough to safely control an airplane to the ground in case of an in-flight emergency.

She also gave a bit of personal history saying she has come from Norway and attended a flight school in South Carolina where she received her CFII certification. After some brief time spent in Texas and Arizona, she came to Sparta where she met and began instructing for Tom Kozura and Kozero. She appears to be a very personable young lady as well as a very capable pilot and instructor.

The meeting adjourned for snacks and conversation
During the course of the evening several guests joined the chapter. An updated roster will be forthcoming.

Respectfully submitted
Jay Dean, Secretary EAA 704

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