Minutes of EAA Chapter 704 September 2008 Meeting
EAA Chapter 704 met on September 8, 2008 for its regular monthly meeting. The meeting was held in member Bill Fish’s hanger with 18 members present.
President John Smith called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm and called for the mintes of the previous meeting to be read. The minutes as printed in the newsletter were reviewed and approved as read. The treasurer reported $1687.12 in the checkbook with all bills paid.
It was moved and passed that we send $100.00 to the Boy Scout Troop 704 for their contribution to the pancake breakfast held in July.
It was reported that 12 members went to the Grand Rapids Tower facility last month.
Dan Bauman has been investigating the possibility of designing and obtaining shirts with an appropriate 704 chapter logo. There are several styles to pick from as well as the specific logo design. These will be produced and available for purchase by the members of 704.
Paul Zimmer brought up the subject of a young eagles day this fall. He pointed out the credential requirements of the participating pilots and their aircraft. This event is in the planning stage and more information will be going out to the membership as details fall into place.
A poker run is being planned with Sparta being one of the stops along with Lakeview, Allegan, and Hastings. This event is scheduled for October 4th.
Dave Duperron reported that he has contacted the Michigan DOT Aeronautics division for upcoming programs.
The meeting was turned over to Bill Fish who was displaying his beautiful Maul restoration project. It is very near completion and is impeccable in workmanship. Bill is to commended very highly for the quality for his work as clearly indicated in the end result. A previous project, a Kitfox, was also in the hanger and looking good. Our sincere congratulations go to Bill for his accomplishments in building and/or restoring his aircraft. It has to be noted also that the workshop area was in showroom condition---very neat and tidy. Thank you, Bill
Meeting adjourned
Jay T Dean,, Sec/Treas EAA 704