Hey everyone! Get all your taxes done so you can attend the EAA meeting April 8th. The program is still in limbo (I have been busy on my taxes) and do not have a speaker lined up at this time. Maybe John Gill can tell us how the skiing was in Colorado. But don't be discouraged....look how good the "two Pauls" extemporaneously took over and thoroughly entertained, educated, and bedazzled us with their presentations!
Looking ahead, as the sun sets later, perhaps we can start the evening/ meeting with every one getting a ride in Larry's fleet of airplanes. In the meantime, if you have anything you would like to share with the rest of us, come prepared and you can easily be "penciled in" on the agenda.
Be sure to come, and bring a friend, significant other, or, what the heck, even your wife. See ya, Vic
-Vic Johnston