Meeting Minutes November 13, 2006President Gill called the meeting to order at 7pm and asked the new Airport Manager, Dick Roberts to speak to the group.
Dick started by letting us know that his position is that of a business manager, and that he would be working at the airport 30 hours per week. He is counting on a lot of the daily business at the airport to be “self serve” due to the time constraints of the hours he’ll be working. Dick stated that he is currently a Sergeant for the Kentwood Police Department and that his hours at the airport would vary depending on his schedule. But that he would post his schedule for the pilots, along with a phone number to contact him for emergencies.
Dick’s background is that he has been a pilot for about 6 years and he enjoys family and flying a lot. Also, he trained to be a pilot at Riverview airport and flies/rents a C172. He stated that he does not foresee any big changes to the way things operate at the airport, with the exception that the billing will be “electronic”. He has “contact information” forms available for pilots to fill out to be used in case of an emergency.
He stated that long range plans include possibly removing some trees to the south and looking into what may be needed for snow removal/equipment with new runway. Also, possibly adding some fencing for security to reduce “turfing”, and that we’re looking for more growth by way of more pilots/hangars.
President Gill asked Dick to join the EAA chapter, as former Manger Vic Johnston mentioned that the EAA Chapter has been the greatest support to the airport over the years.
President Gill noted that we had visitor Jeff Kalis joining us.
The minutes from the previous meeting were approved as printed in the newsletter. The Treasurer’s report was unavailable.
President Gill suggested that we donate to the boy scouts, matching the Lions Club donation.
John asked Vic about the runway, and it was noted that there were still a few factors keeping the runway from being opened. Some obstructions still needed to be removed and that the lighting hadn’t been installed.
New business included the need for new officers for 2007. Vic Johnston was elected president, while Paul Spetoskey remained vice president. The secretary/treasurer position was set aside for Jay Dean pending his approval (as he was absent). The duties of newsletter/website will be once again held by P.J. Bevelacqua and Dan Bauman will continue as the tech counselor. Kathy Hakeem was absent but it was assumed that she would continue as the young eagles coordinator.
John Gill noted that the EAA Chapter 211 would be having a Christmas party in Johns hanger and wanted to also include our chapter as well. The party will be held on Saturday December 9th at 6pm (same as last year).
Dan Bauman stated that his project was complete, but he was still waiting on the paperwork from the FAA to make it “airworthy”.
Paul Kovalak spoke of his intent to build a RV-7 project, along with a friend who would be building one at the same time.
The meeting was adjourned and the members watched an Aircraft Spruce DVD that President Gill brought.
Respectfully Submitted,P.J. Bevelacqua, Newsletter & Website(Substitute Secretary)