Thursday, September 07, 2006

END OF SUMMER PICNIC - Sunday September 10th, 2006



Sunday September 10th, 2006
at 5:00 pm

Grilled Hamburgers and Brats provided by the Chapter

Please bring a dish to pass and your own beverages/table service

The picnic has been scheduled in place of our next meeting.

A Message From Our Chapter President, John Gill (September '06)

Members & Significant others:

A picnic has been scheduled in place of our next meeting. It will be at the airport on Sunday the 10th at 5:00 PM.

The chapter will grill hamburgers and brats and members are asked to bring a dish to pass and your own beverages and table service.

We can view the progress being made on the new runway and make plans for some flying in the future.

No agenda, just a good time.

Please talk this up with other members. See you there.

Your president,

John Gill

“Step Up” and Become a EAA Chapter 704 Officer in 2007, by P.J.

The election for the 2007 officers is right around the corner. Are you interested in taking charge of one of these positions. All of the positions are available for nominations. If you are interested, please nominate yourself and take the opportunity to lead us in one of our many great roles. Most importantly the Chapter will need someone to take over the positions of Newsletter Editor and Website Adminstrator in 2007. After 3 years, I will be stepping down from these duties to make room for something fresh and new. So if any of the resposibilities of our Chapter sound good to you, now is the time to step up!

August (2006) Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes August 14, 2006

Minutes of August 2006 EAA Chapter 704

EAA Chapter 704 met for their regular monthly meeting on Monday, August 14, 2006 at the Sparta Paul C Miller Airport.

There were 27 present at the meeting including several guests.

President John Gill called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and introduced several guests.
Glenn Holt had visited several times before and decided to join the chapter at this meeting. Mr Raleigh Smith was present representing his son-in law who has acquired a Starduster project in pieces and was asking for any help he could get in assembling this aircraft.

Kevin Flemming and his friend, Kim Miedema were also present and later in the evening Kevin presented a very good program and demonstration on various welding techniques with steel and aluminum. He had a trailer set up with equipment to do any sort of welding you might require and offered to let any of the members test their skill which several did.

President Gill presented a check for $500.00 to the club. He had received this from the Sparta Lion's Club as the chapter share in the profits from the pancake breakfast in July. It was noted that the Lion's Club had donated a sum to the Boy Scout group for their assistance and the chapter voted to do the same.

President Gill then brought up the idea of a chapter picnic and it was decided to hold a potluck picnic on Sunday, September 10 at 5:00 pm. This is the day before the regular September meeting so it was decided to make this the regular meeting of EAA chapter 704.

The meeting was adjourned to the program mentioned above.

Respectfully submitted,

Jay Dean, Sec/Prop Tem