Thursday, August 04, 2005

A Message From Our Chapter President, Ron Fritz (August '05)

We just returned from Oshkosh this morning and it suddenly dawned on me that our meeting is coming up in one week. So here are my remarks for the August newsletter.

Our July meeting was a little different with respects to the program. As most of you know, I’ve been involved with antique free flight planes and have gotten to know a lot of the local “old timers”. Karl Spielmaker has been modeling for nearly sixty years and is a walking history book on modeling. He has a nice collection of old engines and was kind enough to bring some up to show and run for you. We thank him for his efforts. He was joined by Ward Delano and Bob Pattison. I hope all of you had a good a time as I did.

The annual pancake breakfast came off well. We had excellent weather at Sparta and all had a good time. We thank Paramount Aviation for making their excellent facilities available for us. The weather around Sparta wasn’t all that good and that kept many planes from flying in. Our chapter members made a good showing and made the event a success. I haven’t heard if we made any money but hope to have that information available at the meeting.

Our next, and probably biggest effort of the year will happen on September 10 when we will put on chicken barbecue like we did in years past. We will be inviting the public as well as other chapters. We will have to finalize our plans at the August meeting so plan on that as being the largest part of the meeting. Our program will be a two-part program. John Smith will be showing us how to lay out an airfoil using coordinates provided. This is how things used to be done so it will be fun to see how things were done in days gone by. Also, members, Tim and Lori Layne will be talking about their new business located at the airport.

See you all at the meeting.

August (2005) Meeting Minutes

EAA Chapter 704 met for its regular monthly meeting on Monday, July 11 at the Sparta Paul C. Miller Airport's pilot lounge. There were 27 members and 3 guests present.

The regular monthly meeting of EAA Chapter 704 was held on July 11, 2005 at the Sparta Paul C Miller Airport pilot's lounge.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Ron Fritz.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed in the newsletter. The treasurer report showed $1692.24 in the checkbook with $50.00 cash on hand. $21.00 was received from dues and sale of shoulder patches.

The main item of business was the upcoming pancake breakfast/Fly-In to be held Saturday, July 17th. A work party to set up the facilities was planned for Friday to collect the tables and chairs needed for the event. Workers would also gather at 6:00 am on Sunday to complete the set up.

The Secretary was instructed to contact EAA headquarters to activate the insurance policy to cover the event.

The Sparta Pilot's Association is planning a hotdog/brat sale for Saturday the 16th and a discussion was held in this regard. There will also be a Radio Controlled Airplane rally that day.
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned for snacks after which a very fine program was presented by the Antique Model Airplane Group represented by Karl Spiellmaker, Ward Delano and Bob Pattison. Karl spoke about the early development of the model airplane engines dating back to the early 1900's and described the efforts to create these tiny power plants. After the discussion the group retired to the patio where several examples of these small engines were set up and ran. The collection included 2 stroke, 4 stroke and even a diesel model. A wankle engine was demonstrated as well as a 5 cylinder radial. The intricate machining required to create these engines was most impressive and it was a delight to watch them operate. A husky thank you goes out to these men for their program and to Ron Fritz for arranging it.

Meeting adjourned

Jay Dean, Secretary/Treasurer